Short story english
short story english, A man lived in a village. He was very poor, his problem of food was increasing as he had no work, a small house which his father had made, he lived in the same house. One day a sadhu came to his house and he gave a voice, the man came out and heard what he said in the service of you, the sadhu said that I want to eat something you can give,
Greedy Man Stories In English :- short story english

The man said that I have nothing but I have been hungry for a long time. When the sadhus listened to this, he was very sad, then the man went inside and took water for the sadhu and said, the sadhu ji drank water and said All your wishes will be fulfilled,
In the same night, the man came to a dream by saying such a thing that the man came to a dream and in that dream Sadhu ji said that the tree that is planted in your garden is wealth under the same tree. Tomorrow you take that wealth and your life Fill with happiness
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When the man’s eyes opened, he went to that tree and started searching for wealth and after finding it he got wealth on it and that man started living the life of happiness
A few days later a friend came to her and asked if your life changed then you had nothing and said that you have everything then she asked how it all happened.
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Then the man told everything that a sadhu had come to his house and he gave everything, after hearing this, his friend went away. The next day the sadhus came to see his sadhu at his house and his friend thought that even in the rich Be ready
His friend said to the sadhu that I have nothing, and hungry for a long time, the sadhu went away from him and the next day the sadhu ji again appeared to his friend and asked that the sadhu ji will not give you money, a sadhu Said that God gives everything from his wish.
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short story english, The person who meets as much as you need is greedy, so you do not need any more money. He listened to the monk and went to his house. The more the need, the more the person meets the needs, so that he should never be tempted. .
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