King stories for kids in 2023
king stories for kids 2023, This is the story of a king. This happened a long time ago. When the king went out of the palace with his soldiers. But because it was night he was lost. How did all this happen? That king could not understand. It was evening. He was searching for the King soldier. But he doesn’t see anyone.
King stories for kids in 2023
King’s anger increases a lot. Because that king was thinking. Where have those soldiers gone? When he meets the soldier. After that that soldier can be punished. Because till now that king had not been able to find any way. He was watching. Nothing was visible. King thinks this. I can’t find all the soldiers. That king had come on hunting. But nothing good was happening today. The king was feeling very hungry.

But he had nothing. He sees a cave. That cave is visible to the king. He thinks. This is a very good point. Today he has found the cave. If that cave is not found. How could the King relax? When he goes inside the cave. A monk was sitting. The king is happy to see this. Because he was no longer alone. The monk is sitting in front of him. Seeing the monk, he wants to talk to him. When the king calls the monk.
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Monk looks on. he asks. Who are you. The king tells everything to the monk. Monk says. You can rest here. But the king was hungry. He is called a monk. You can eat the fruits kept here. King eats fruits. Now King says. You have been here for a long time. I don’t know about the cave. Monk says. I have been in the cave for a long time. I am doing penance here. After that the monk says. You are king.
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How much good work you have done for the people. King says. I have done a lot of good work for the people. But the monk says. People come to me. She says. Our king is not good. He thinks big. He spends money. But they do not take care of the people. King gets very angry after hearing this. He says. If people think this about me. People may get punished. But he is called a monk. I have understood now. The people are right. Hearing this the king says. You may also get punished.
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Hearing this the monk says. I may get punished. You are right. You are away from your soldier. Far away from the palace. You were hungry. There was no one with you. You came to me. Here you have eaten fruits. You are resting. But I am going to be punished. Hearing this he thinks of a king. He is not doing well. Because he is king. That’s why he can trouble everyone. But this is not right. King apologizes.
king stories for kids 2023, Because he understood that he was making a mistake. It was morning. Now the king comes out of the cave. He looks at his soldier. Goes to the palace with them. He was not angry. Because he had understood everything. He goes to meet the monk the next day. They are asked to come to the palace. They take clothes and fruits for them. Now King understood. He is the king. Who takes care of everyone. If you liked this story. Please share.
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