Unicorn Bedtime Story
Unicorn bedtime story, Even now that king was very tired. He wants to rest. He starts resting near that river. Which was far away from the palace. That king was the only one at that place.
King and Unicorn bedtime story

Because he had gone hunting. But now I was very tired. He also chases the prey. But he runs away. So he was very tired now. King starts falling asleep.For some time the king was sleeping. But his eyes open. Because he has a voice. He hears that voice. That sound comes from near the river.
He watches. The unicorn drinks water. He’s a unicorn. King becomes very happy seeing this. Because till date the king had not seen the unicorn. When does the unicorn drink water? The king starts coming to him. But he knows the king. That unicorn can run. But it is very important to catch him. It may live in our palace. This can be of great use to us.
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But the king does not understand. How can this “unicorn” be caught? King watches. A soldier is coming. The soldier comes to the King. He says. I have come in search of you. The commander has sent me. “King” says. Where is the commander at? Soldier says. He is waiting for you. Hearing this, he calls King. You can bring the commander here. The soldier leaves. After some time the commander says. Why have you called me here? King says. There is a unicorn here.
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Hearing this, he sees the commander unicorn. He is resting. {King} says. We have to pkdna him. He may live in our palace. No one has been able to see the king unicorn. That’s why this unicorn should be caught.
The commander goes very comfortably to catch that unicorn. All the soldiers see that unicorn. when he starts flying. After that the commander grabs him with a rope. Now the {unicorn} could not fly. He gets very sad. He makes a lot of noise. Because he wants to leave that place. But the king wanted that unicorn.
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That (unicorn) is caught. Now he is brought to the palace. Everyone sees the unicorn. They are not convinced. There is a unicorn here. he can fly. Now the king says This unicorn is ours. The unicorn listens to them. Today he finds out. Everyone here has become greedy. It doesn’t even understand our pain. When was the unicorn small? Told him. People are always greedy. He thinks of greed. Today the (king) was very happy. Because he had brought hold of the unicorn. He was feeling very happy. But the unicorn is very sad. A man lived in that city.
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when he finds out. The unicorn has been captured. He is very sad. Because he had seen the unicorn. But didn’t tell anyone about it. He thinks. That unicorn should be saved. So he makes plans. The next day that king gives a feast to the people at his place. So that everyone can come here. He can see the unicorn. Now that man could do anything. When he brings the king unicorn. Everybody sees him. he can fly. No one knew this.
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But the *king* says You all can see this unicorn. The man was watching. Let no one see him. So he goes very carefully. He had come near the unicorn. The *unicorn* looks at him. The man opens his rope. Seeing this, the unicorn does not believe. Because he had come to help her. When his rope opens. He flies. King gets very angry seeing this. Because he was flying. Now no one could catch the unicorn.
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King gets sad. He also follows Suak. But there was no use. He had flown. That man too was gone. No one had seen. The man was helping her. Now the unicorn was gone. King was sad today. Because the kings of other states were about to come. He was coming to see the unicorn. But now there is nothing here. The king was sitting sad. When he comes to the king of another kingdom. He says. Where is your unicorn? He says king. He has flown.
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All the kings laugh at him. Because he was already saying. There are no unicorns. But this king was not understanding. Now that king cannot say anything. Because the unicorn was gone. When the unicorn had gone to its place. At that place the man comes. He says. You are saved now. Hearing this, he says unicorn. I know. You have helped me a lot. But I felt Everybody is greedy. the man says. People who help someone. He knows. It is good to help.
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Unicorn bedtime story, He calls it unicorn. I like you very much. Because you saved me. That king wants to keep me in his palace. After that that unicorn had become a friend of that man. He used to come to meet her. This story teaches us. One should not be greedy in life. Because nothing happens with greed. Whereas our faith becomes very less. If you liked this story. Please do share.
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